Week 5, day 1 at RC
Yesterday, I went to the original Brooklyn Boulders for a bouldering session with my roommate. Afterwards, I hit the cobblestones of Soho. I picked a cozy restaurant where they played live music. Yes, life could be worse. But it could also be better… with a warmer weather!
I have been meaning to start using Bokeh for a long time. I set it as a goal for my batch at RC, otherwise it might never happen. That’s typically what RC is for. Et voilà! As you can see below, the Python code is very friendly. With Bokeh, we are still following our thread of handle large/streaming datasets…
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.models import BoxAnnotation
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_notebook
# get data for atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
# (https://datahub.io/core/co2-ppm)
co2 = pd.read_csv('https://datahub.io/core/co2-ppm/r/co2-mm-mlo.csv')
co2['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(co2['Date'])
# create a new plot with a title and a datetime x axis
p = figure(title='Safe range for CO2 ppm',
y_axis_label='CO2 ppm')
# add a line renderer
p.line(co2.Date, co2.Interpolated, line_color='gray')
# add a box
p.add_layout(BoxAnnotation(bottom=250, top=350, line_color='green',
fill_alpha=0.2, fill_color='green'))
# show the plot