Four weeks already! I have come to the realization that I do not want to stay in NYC beyond my batch at RC. It’s a great feeling.

Today was Demo Day at RC. I signed up to demo the work I did last week. I titled it “Data analysis pipelining with Travis CI.” Although, at the moment, I have automated only few steps which happen very downstream in the pipeline, I communicated the general vision as I demo’d changing a few words in the source notebook, pushing this change into origin master (it’s actually okay because this repo is a fork, so I have no use for my master branch… except for demos), monitoring the build thus triggered, and seeing the resulting change in the PDF export.

The vision is exactly that of reproducible research. It relates more generally to Open Science and DataOps. Anyhow, I got a lot of love (notably, a sweet hug with Janice). Thank you!

Ancora sul tema dell’amore, oggi ho mangiato la Nutella… direttamente dal barattolo. Ne rimastava poco, quindi mi sono presa il tempo per finirla correttamente.